Warm Healing Hands by Keith

Therapeutic Massage, Swedish Massage, Pain Management, Pain Relief

About the Practitioner

Name and Credentials

My name is Keith DeStefano, I am a Licensed Massage Therapist in the Chicago Area. I am Nationally Certified in Massage & Therapeutic Bodywork (NCBTMB). I am a certified member of Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (ABMP).
I attended Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in Chicago. I started out in the Acupuncture program and ended up in the massage therapy program. 
I have had great success helping people with different conditions by using massage. I learned several different modalities such as; Tui Na (a Chinese Massage), Thai (on a table), Trigger Point therapy and Shiatsu. 


I Studied at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. I learned several different types of massage.

Practice Philosophy

I believe in not only treating the branch cause of a problem but also treating the root cause so the problem will go away permanently.

Why I do what I do

I believe that if you are in pain you should try every tool available to relieve it and not just "live with it". 

I have had my share of injuries, aches and pains which were not only unpleasant, but they got in the way of my daily activities. I always thought that there had to be somebody to help with my problems that did not require drugs or surgery. This lead me on the path of alternative therapies. Now I find it very satisfying to help those that thought there was no help.

A little bit about me: hobbies, family, interests

I enjoy my relaxing time with my wife. If we can travel to an Island and relax in the sun near an ocean, it is even better.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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